Saturday, May 9, 2009


Today was an awesome day. Normally we'd be working on Saturdays (6-day week here), but the Gould comes back from fishing tomorrow, so we got today off instead of Sunday. To our great fortune, the weather cooperated and there was no wind. Time for some boating!

Here's where we're allowed to boat. We started out heading SW down to Cormorant Island, then later after dropping off a few people back at Palmer we headed over to Janus Island.

There's Mt. Williams behind me.

I saw fur seals.

and a few Elephant seals.

and lots of ice...

and birds - cormorants, albatross, and petrels...

and of course PENGUINS!!!

Absolutely beautiful day out. This is why I'm here.

Check out the full album :

Hope everyone's having a nice summer up north!


  1. These pictures are gorgeous! When do you climb Mt. Willams? I figure it's only a matter of time before you get all the bigs ones down south, right?

    Do the penguins smell bad? I feel like they should because whenever I am near lots of birds (mostly geese on the Charles) they stink. Maybe penguins are cleaner and Boston should import some....

    Keep up the good photos and posts!


  2. Nice boat dock. Your photos give a good idea
    of the setting outside and around. Sometime when you get the chance, take us on a visual tour of your digs.

  3. Yup the penguins definitely stink. Didn't quite expect it. Would love to bag Mt Williams sometime but I'm not sure the USAP would like me doin it on the clock. Guess I'll have to be satisfied hiking up the glacier. Sounds like we'll get a chance to play in some crevasses with GSAR though which should be pretty fun. Glad you like the pics. More to come.

  4. Yeah, I'm with your dad, love the outside pics, but what do your digs look like and what does your office look like.....or is that top secret!!
