Sunday, May 31, 2009

Humble Island & the Giant Petrels

A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to go out and see Humble Island with the birders. Actually, the birders left Palmer Station a few months ago, but two of our staff have been permitted to go out and weigh the giant petrel chicks on behalf of the birders, and I got to go.

Basically, since the petrel eggs hatched on Humble Island, the birders have tagged a few of the chicks and kept track of their weights over the following months. Because of the science going on Palmer people aren't normally allowed to visit this island, so I was lucky to be invited for this trip.

My job was to stand by and record the results as my comrades gently coaxed a petrel chick into a bag so they could weigh it.

And of course, our seal friends made an appearance as well. Here's a great pic of a fur seal.

And here's another of a leopard seal laying around on the ice just off the pier at Palmer. Note: Leopard seals are mean! That smile is leopard seal for "I'm going to eat you!".

It was a good wildlife day. There's a few other pretty good shots on the album too.




  1. So how much does a giant petrel chick weigh?

  2. If I recall, this one was close to 7 lbs when we went out to see it. I guess that's about as big as they get before they finally leave the nest for good, because he was the last one left and that was the last trip any of them were still around.
